The Cross and the Bow | Genesis 8:20-9:17

Pastor Anton Brown - 1/1/2023

Sermon Outline:

Big Idea: In God's grace we have escaped judgment to fulfill the purpose for which we were created.

  1. The intercession of the righteous. (8:20-22)
  2. Mankind's vice-regency is reaffirmed. (9:1-7)
  3. Grounded in Covenant. (9:8-17)

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

  1. How does the burnt offering offered by Noah correlate to Jesus’s death on the cross? See Romans 3:21-26 and Genesis 8:20-22. Consider that Noah’s offering was pleasing to God and that propitiation means to ‘turn away wrath.’
  2. What passages in our study do you think affirm the value and dignity of every human being?
  3. Pastor Anton likened the image of God after the fall to being stained, marred, or tainted. What has tainted the image of God in every person? What is the solution for this? See Genesis 3:6-7 and Romans 8:29.
  4. What can we say about the covenant God makes with Noah? Who initiates it? Who upholds it? Discuss your answers using evidence from verses 9:8-17.

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