Stand for Truth | Revelation 2:12-17

Pastor Anton Brown - 5/21/2023

Sermon Outline:

Big Idea: We must stand for the truth, authority, and exclusivity of God's Word.

  1. The Word declares the faith entrusted to us by Jesus. (12-13)
  2. The Word suffers nothing extra. (14-16)
  3. The Word reveals the Gospel of Salvation. (17)

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

  1. The Church in Pergamum lived where Satan's throne is (Revelation 2:13), meaning they were surrounded by evil and false teachings. How does living in a secular society challenge your faith? Can you identify ways in which you are tempted to compromise your faith to fit into the culture?
  2. Revelation 2:14-15 criticizes some in the Church for following the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans, which led them astray from God's commands. What are some false teachings or worldly philosophies you might be exposed to in your daily life that could lead you away from the truth of Scripture? How can you guard yourself against these?
  3. In Revelation 2:16, Christ admonishes the church to repent, implying they have strayed from their faith. Do you find areas in your own life where you need to repent and realign with the teachings of Christ? How can you seek God's grace in this process?
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