The Mark of the Beast | Revelation 13:11-18

Pastor Anton Brown - 10/1/2023

Sermon Outline:

Big Idea: In the face of deception, we are called to resist the allure of the world and remain steadfast in faith by clinging to Christ and the hope of His Gospel.

  1. Do not be fooled. (11-14)
  2. Remain firm. (15-17)
  3. Be wise. (18)

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

  1. What characteristics of the second beast in Revelation 13:11-14 are emphasized in the sermon? How does the speaker interpret its role in the passage?
  2. According to the message, why is it important for us to remain firm in our faith, especially in a world filled with deception and false teachings? Can you share any personal experiences or observations related to this?
  3. The sermon mentions the importance of wisdom and discernment in facing deception. How can we actively develop wisdom and discernment in our lives, particularly in areas where our faith may be challenged?
  4. How does understanding Revelation 13:11-14 inspire us to share the Gospel with others? Can you think of practical ways we can engage with those who may be influenced by false teachings?