Heaven's Worship | Revelation 4-5

Pastor Anton Brown - 10/27/2024

Sermon Outline:

Big Idea: Heaven is filled with the worship of God and the Lamb, who are worthy of all praise.

  1. The Lamb standing as though slain.
  2. The song of the redeemed.
  3. The universal worship of God and the Lamb.

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

  1. Why do you think Jesus is portrayed as both the Lion of Judah and the Lamb standing as though slain, and how do these images influence the way we approach worship?
  2. How might we recognize and resist modern idols, like power or money, that distract from worshiping God alone as seen in this vision?
  3. What significance does the "new song" sung by the redeemed hold in light of the Lamb's sacrifice, and how can this shape our approach to worship today?
  4. How does the unity of heavenly beings in worshiping the Lamb and God inform our understanding of communal worship in our faith practices?
  5. In what ways can we personally and practically live out the truth that Jesus is "worthy of all praise" in our daily lives?
  6. How does the image of the Lamb taking the scroll from the One on the throne deepen our understanding of Jesus’ authority and the fulfillment of God’s plan?
  7. How can we apply the assurance of Christ’s victory and worthiness in Revelation 5 to overcome feelings of hopelessness or unworthiness in our own lives?
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