The Supremacy of Christ | Hebrews 1:1-14

Pastor Anton Brown - 1/12/2025

Big Idea: God has spoken decisively and finally through His Son, Jesus Christ, who reigns supreme over all creation and holds the ultimate place of honor at God's right-hand.

  1. God's Final Word in His Son (1-3)
  2. His Ascension and Exaltation (3-4)
  3. The Supremacy of Christ Over All (5-14)

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions

  1. How does the fact that God has spoken decisively and finally through His Son, Jesus Christ, influence how you approach His Word? Are there areas in your life where you are looking for additional confirmation or answers apart from what has been revealed in Christ?
  2. Jesus is described as fully man and fully God, the radiance of God’s glory, and the exact imprint of His nature. How does understanding Christ’s roles as Prophet, Priest, and King shape your trust in His provision for your salvation and His authority over your life?
  3. The sermon warns against turning away from Christ to lesser things. Are there areas in your life where you are tempted to place your hope in something or someone other than Jesus? How can you practically combat these temptations with the truth of His supremacy?
  4. The angels worship Jesus, who is described as superior to them and reigning at God’s right hand. How does this truth encourage you to worship Him with greater reverence and awe? Are there ways your daily life can better reflect His supreme authority?
  5. R. Kent Hughes emphasizes giving Christ first place in every aspect of life, from time to love, work, and leisure. Which areas of your life do not currently reflect Christ’s preeminence, and how can you intentionally surrender these areas to Him?
  6. Hebrews 1:14 reminds us that angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those inheriting salvation. As inheritors of salvation, how are you using your life to serve others and demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel?
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