03.31.2023 | How to Talk to Your Kids About Mass Shootings
We cannot ignore the real presence of sin and evil in these moments. Sheltering kids from harsh reality isn’t caring for them—it’s only forcing them to find answers elsewhere.
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04.24.2023 | Living in the Light of Christ's Majesty
In Revelation 1:4-8, we find profound insights into the character of Christ and His work on our behalf. As we explore these themes, we will discover five ways in which these truths can transform our lives.
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04.30.2023 | Encountering the Exalted Christ
In Revelation 1:9-20, we find a powerful vision of the exalted Christ and its implications for followers of Jesus. Drawing on the insights from the passage, we will explore five life-changing lessons and how they can be applied in our daily lives.
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05/07/2023 | Rediscovering Your First Love
The message to the Ephesian church in Revelation 2:1-7 offers valuable insights into how we can grow in our relationship with Christ and remain steadfast in our faith. By exploring practical applications of the passage, we can uncover timeless wisdom for our Christian walk. Let's delve into each of these points and consider how they can be applied in the life of a believer.
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05/14/2023 | Enduring with Hope
Revelation 2:8-11, a letter to the church in Smyrna, is a treasure trove of encouragement and guidance, especially for those experiencing hardships.
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