Sermon Breviary: Melchizedek | Hebrews 7:1-10
When life shakes us, our instinct is often to retreat to what feels safe and familiar. For the Hebrew Christians of the first century, that meant returning to Judaism's tangible rituals, its priests and sacrifices. Yet, Hebrews 7:1-10 points us unmistakably forward—to Christ, the eternal High Priest, whose priesthood far surpasses any earthly institution. The big idea is clear: How can we ever turn back?
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Sermon Breviary: The Open Door | Hebrews 6:13-20
Life’s trials can shake us, but Hebrews 6:13-20 reminds us that Jesus, our Great High Priest, secures our hope in God's unbreakable promise. Unlike human words that fail, God's immutable oath guarantees our refuge and confidence, anchoring our souls in His presence through Christ’s finished work. Therefore, believers must trust God’s faithfulness, live in bold obedience, and rest in the assurance that no storm can sever our connection to Him.
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Sermon Breviary | Archegon [Hebrews 2:5-18]
Do not neglect so great a salvation: Jesus has restored humanity’s purpose through His life, death, and resurrection, bringing us to glory.
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Sermon Breviary | Attentive to the Gospel (Hebrews 2:1-4)
Hebrews 2:1-4. Remove everything that distracts us from the gospel, for it is the faithful message of our salvation.
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Sermon Breviary | The Supremacy of Christ (Hebrews 1:1-14)
God has spoken decisively and finally through His Son, Jesus Christ, who reigns supreme over all creation and holds the ultimate place of honor at God's right hand.
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07/07/24 Awaiting Further Instructions [John 21:1-19]
How often has his failure taken the wind out of your sails and left you wondering if there is really anything you can do right or that you can do as a Christian? And so we wait we, we spend our lives awaiting further instructions as we open to John twenty-one. That is this that is a situation that the disciples are in, and so these verses highlight an incident that took place between Easter and ascension and the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost. These verses may have something to say to us this morning.
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6/30/24 Fallen in Fear [Genesis 19:30-38]
Placing trust in God's promises transforms fear into faith. Our past does not define us. Instead, through Christ, we find redemption and new life. Put your trust in him, knowing that his grace is sufficient for every trial, and walk in confidence, for God's promises are unshakable. For in times of fear and doubt, our faith in God's promises and our obedience to his commands will lead to redemption and new life.
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06/23/2024 Fire and Brimstone [Genesis 19:23-29]
The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities of the plain were judged by God and the evidence is there in the valleys surrounding the Dead Sea. It's not a story told as a fabled warning. It isn't fiction. Sodom and Gomorrah were and evidently are real places where the true God judged the unrighteousness of men.
And if they are real, God's judgment is real. And if God's judgment is real, there is coming a day when Jesus will return to judge both the living and the dead. You know, if we can tell ourselves, walk away from Genesis 19 and say Sodom and Gomorrah, they're just a story we tell. It's a manner of speaking that we, you know, we talk about the seriousness of sin, but it didn't really happen. God doesn't really judge people for their sin in such severe ways. But, it seems the city is real. And if the city is real, then judgment is real. And God will come to judge the living and the dead through Christ. But the good news is this. This is good news, by the way. And it's our big idea for this morning. God warns and saves the righteous through judgment.
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05/14/2023 | Enduring with Hope
Revelation 2:8-11, a letter to the church in Smyrna, is a treasure trove of encouragement and guidance, especially for those experiencing hardships.
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05/07/2023 | Rediscovering Your First Love
The message to the Ephesian church in Revelation 2:1-7 offers valuable insights into how we can grow in our relationship with Christ and remain steadfast in our faith. By exploring practical applications of the passage, we can uncover timeless wisdom for our Christian walk. Let's delve into each of these points and consider how they can be applied in the life of a believer.
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