
At Mayflower Church, every believer is called to active, faithful service. The Christian life is not one of passive observation but of joyful participation in God’s redemptive work in the world. Serving is one of the most tangible ways we express the love of Christ, build up the body, and live out our faith with intention and humility.

Each ministry team at Mayflower offers a unique opportunity to put hands and feet to the gospel—to serve one another, our church family, and our community with grace and truth. Whether your strengths lie in hospitality, teaching, behind-the-scenes support, or technical skills, there’s a place for you to grow, belong, and make a difference.

When we serve, we reflect Christ—the One who came not to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). So we invite you: don’t sit on the sidelines. Step in. Build up the body. Be a doer of the Word.

To learn more or join a team, explore these options...
