

6/30/24 Fallen in Fear [Genesis 19:30-38]

[Sermon Transcript]

The following transcript is a written record of a spoken sermon delivered at Mayflower Church. This document is provided for personal study, reflection, and educational use. It may not capture the full dynamic and flow of the live sermon and might have been lightly edited for clarity and brevity.

Praise God for His word this morning. Our text this morning is Genesis nineteen…verses thirty to thirty-eight…The Lord says this…

Genesis 19:30–38 (ESV)

30 Now Lot went up out of Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Zoar. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. 31 And the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of all the earth. 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.” 33 So they made their father drink wine that night. And the firstborn went in and lay with her father. He did not know when she lay down or when she arose. 

34 The next day, the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father. Let us make him drink wine tonight also. Then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.” 35 So they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. 36 Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father. 37 The firstborn bore a son and called his name Moab. He is the father of the Moabites to this day. 38 The younger also bore a son and called his name Ben-ammi. He is the father of the Ammonites to this day.

What a tale of one person leading another into sin, a tale of fear for sure. The title of this morning's sermon is Fallen in Fear. We see Lot and his daughters both fall in fear…

Let's pray that the Spirit of God works in our hearts this morning, not to take this what you read and just go yeah let's just move on, but let's just not think about this, but instead God gave it to us in His word. May the Spirit of God apply it our hearts in a way that builds us up and strengthens us to serve Him Let's pray…Father…We pray this morning…that on account of the mercy and grace that we've received from Christ through his work on the cross and through his resurrection, Lord, that you would send your Spirit…For that same Spirit that dwells in us Lord, we pray that You would…give us an extra measure of Him this morning that we might be led through Your word and that it might be applied to our hearts in a way that we can understand how it calls us to follow Christ and to live for him. And Lord God we pray for all these things in the mighty name of your son Jesus. Amen.

So remember last week Sodom is destroyed. And because of Abraham's faith and intercession God reveals his intention to save the righteous. So God saves righteous Lot. He's righteous but he is really in love with the world as well. Well he can't be in love with the world and a friend to God So he's really liking some of the benefits of being close to the world. But if you remember Lot's wife— she really likes the world too. She looks back. One of the things that we mentioned, by the way, is in your bible stories: You see Lot's wife turning back as the city's burning, but the city doesn't get destroyed until Lot and his daughters get to Zoa. So she turns around before the city is up in flames. But in our bible stories, we see those pictures, and they put imprints in our minds about what the story must be doing and what must have happened, but the city hadn't been destroyed at the moment that Lot's wife was turned to a pillar of salt for looking back. She's looking back as she's on her way to being saved by the sovereign hand of God, and the desire of her heart is revealed. She wants Sodom more than she wants God and she doesn't make it. Lot and his daughters make it to Zoar, a place God promises he will not destroy on account of Lot being there. But once they're there things go from bad to worse for Lot. So, these passages highlight the consequences…of disobedience…and a lack of faith. It challenges us to have faith in God's promises even when we're afraid or uncertain…It reminds us that our disobedience can also lead to disastrous consequences, yet God is still faithful to redeem even the most broken situations. We're going to learn the importance of obedience and trust in God's plan even when faced with those difficulties that we have every day in our lives Some bigger than others. And today it will show us that God can bring new life out of the ashes of our mistakes, pointing us toward our need for a Savior who can redeem us from the consequence of our sin.

The Big Idea for this morning is this: in times of fear and doubt, our faith in God's promises and our obedience to His commands…lead to redemption and new life. 

I want to first look at verses thirty and thirty two…and talk about facing fear with faith. Let's begin right there in verse thirty It says now Lot went up out of Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters for he was afraid to live in Zoar. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. From the cosmopolitan life of luxury, it's like living in a Manhattan high-rise apartment to living in the ground, living in a cave. Why? Because he feared the judgment of Zoar, even though the Lord assured him that if he went there, he would not destroy it…Lot does not trust in the provision of God. This is because his fears are disordered. He fears what the Lord told him not to fear, and he doesn't fear what he should. Lot is not trusting the Lord, but this shouldn't be a surprise given his head hesitancy…earlier on to leave Sodom in the first place. He's a man who loves God but wants to be friends with the world and have what it offers and you can't have it both ways. And just when you think life can't get any worse… You're a man who is living high on the hog in a really nice city, and now you're living in a cave with your daughters…And just when you think it can't get worse, Murphy's Law comes in, and it just seems to get worse. 

When we don't trust the Lord and his sovereign care over our we try to live when we try to live apart from his love and provision it never goes well…That's exactly what happens to Lot.

Verse thirty one it says And the first born said to the younger our father is old, and there is not a man on the earth to come into us after the man all the earth, and this is not that they thought that everyone died in the destruction of Sodom and the cities nearby, but that no one would have them because of their association with Sodom and given their behavior toward their father I would agree…that if this is the kind of person you are if this is a kind of woman, if they were men it would be the same thing… If this is the kind of person that you are, then yes, people are not going to want to have; the world around you is not going to want to have an association with you. And so that's their concern They're associated with Sodom. And you know, it's a different way that we use the word today, but they're they're true Sodomites. They're true…citizens of Sodom. So they say, come let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him so we may preserve offspring from our father. So that's the plan. That's the plan. They're they're worried about not being able to continue the family line the the family heritage is going to be gone And what do they think they should do? Uh let's sleep with our dad What a great idea. I mean who comes up with it? Well, they do, obviously, But remember their mind is from Sodom. They're thinking the way that the people in Sodom might think. They have quickly abandoned all reason and in their fear and desperation they conspire to do what is very clear by nature is inappropriate to do. 

In First Corinthians chapter five, verses one and two, Paul is making mention here of a situation that is a little bit similar, but it's, you know… Obviously, it's different. Hear what Paul says in First Corinthians five; it says it is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you. And here's Paul speaking to the Corinthians about someone in their church…And he says that the kind of sin that they're doing is this He says it is of a kind that is not tolerated even among the pagans, for a man has his father's wife…and you are arrogant and ought rather to mourn…So, Paul is he's got this situation in the church where a guy— we don't know if this is his biological mother that he has married or if it's his father's second wife or what the situation might be, but Paul says what is happening is sexually immoral— a kind that's not even tolerated among the pagans. And so you can imagine that the sin now that has come upon Lot's family is…of similar degree, but maybe even worse because…they're bearing children…by their father. Both Lot and his daughters resort to drastic action, they should not have done because their circumstances led them to fear rather than trust the Lord…They feared danger and isolation. They feared the end of their family line. We don't know, we don't have the ability to know, how things would have turned out if they'd responded to their circumstances in a godly way. But we can imagine quite easily that things would have gone much better for them and much more glorifying to the Lord…Now, I just want you to listen to the canter of this next phrase. I worked a long time on this. The Lord called fickle Lot and his family to face fear with faith and they failed…Did you get that? Alliteration. Alliteration is powerful! You might go home and that'd be the only thing you remember. And that's not the way it's supposed to be. When we fear, we're to call upon the Lord and trust him. 

We are to call upon the Lord and trust him. That's exactly what happened in Judah when their enemies came calling. They were afraid, but they stood in faith. This is an amazing passage of scripture here. Second chronicles chapter twenty verses one through twenty-two I'm going to read them all because I kept saying I'm just going to read a little bit and I decided no I’ve got to read to read more and more and more. So I’m just going to read it all because it's it's great. Second Chronicles chapter twenty, verses one through 22… says after this, the Moabites and the Ammonites, hear those names the Moabites and the Ammonites, and with them, some of the Meunites…came against Jehoshaphat for battle. Some men came and told Jehoshaphat…a great multitude is coming against you from Eden From beyond the sea and behold, they are in they are in Hazazon-Tamar, that is Angeti. Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord. You see well Jehoshaphat's response. He's afraid and he sets his face to seek the Lord. And he proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah assembled to seek help from the Lord and all the c and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord. Then hear how Jehoshaphat, these words that he uses as he grounds himself in the trust and faithfulness of God This is what he says in starting in verse five And Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court and said oh Lord, God of our fathers are you not God in heaven? He's not questioning God He's making a statement actually. You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations in your hand, our power and might so that none is able to withstand you. Did you not our God drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel? And give it forever to the descendants of Abraham, your friend. And they have lived in it and have built for you in it a sanctuary for your name saying if disaster comes upon us the sword judgment or pestilence or famine we will stand before this house and before you for your name is in this house and cry out to you in affliction, and you will hear and save. And now behold, the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Sir, that mouse here by the way is ends up being where Esau is based. We have not gotten to the story of Jacob with Esau yet, but at this time, with Jehoshaphat, we're looking at the descendants of Lot, his two sons, grandsons, whatever you might call them, and then the descendants of Esau. Whom you would not let Israel invade when they came from the land of Egypt and whom they avoided and did not destroy. Behold they reward us by coming to drive us out of your possession. Which you have given us to inherit. Oh our God will you not execute judgment on them For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you. That by the way is quotable That preaches all by itself. We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you Imagine if that was Lots posture toward the Lord if his was his daughter's posture toward the Lord. Begin verse thirteen it says meanwhile all judas stood before the Lord with their little ones, their wives and their children And the spirit of the Lord came upon…the son of Zechariah son of Beniah, son of jail, son of Matania, a levite of the sons of ASAP in the midst of the assembly. And he said listen all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat. Thus says the Lord to you, do not be afraid. And do not be dismayed at this great horde for the battle is not yours but God's. Tomorrow go down against them. Behold they will come up by the ascent of Ziz. You will find them in at the end of the valley east of the wilderness of Jirul. You will not need to fight in this battle Stand firm. Hold your position and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf Oh Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed tomorrow go again go out against them and the Lord will be with you. Then Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the Lord worshiping the Lord. And the levites…of the Kohathites and the Korahites…stood up to praise the Lord the God of Israel with a very loud voice. And they rose early in the morning and went into the wilderness of Takoa. And when they went out a host of fat stood and said hear me Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem believe in the Lord your God and you will be established. Believe in his prophets and you will succeed. And when he had taken counsel with the people he appointed those who were to sing to the Lord and praise him in holy attire as they went before the army and say give thanks to the Lord for his steadfast love endures forever. And when they began to sing in praise, The Lord set an ambush against the men of Ammon Moab and Mount Sier who had come against Judah, so they were routed. There's a vast difference between the response of Jehoshaphat and the circumstances that Judah finds itself in and Lot and his family. 

And as followers of Christ there ought to be a significant difference in how we respond to trouble and trials and fear…Compared to the world we should have…a posture of strong and grounded and rooted trust in the promises of God…What a testimony it is. When the people of God go to God in their fears and put their trust in him and seek his counsel…I love that phrase. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. And that's exactly what we should be doing. That's how we should live when we are in fear or concerned about what's going on around us. 

What do you fear? Are those fears disordered like Lot's fears? Did you know that you can realign your fears and transform them into trust by the power of the Spirit who is at work in you? Do you remember what Jehoshaphat has said I've said it three times now We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you If you take your eyes off circumstances for a moment and meditate on the promises of God, especially those promises that directly speak to your fears, his faithfulness, God's faithfulness, will overwhelm your fears And in time you'll walk in victory over it A great big Jehosha-phat victory. And maybe you're here today, and there are fears you that have that you have that hold you back from full and complete obedience to God's word. And you don't dare to make that next step to commit your life to Christ. Because of what it might mean for your family, how your family might respond, or there are just hard things about being a Christian, and there are. And you're concerned about doing those things or that you're concerned about what your life will be like if you're called to live that life. But maybe there are things that are just outright, uh, just overtly sinful, and they're keeping you from fully serving the Lord because Maybe you're addicted to pornography, or you're struggling with alcohol or you, know you're perpetrating domestic violence or something like that. If that's you, you can take action in those areas…You should not let them slip by…Remember that James says that we're to be doers not just hearers of the word, So we can take practical steps of obedience to combat the fear that we have and we will see God's faithfulness to redeem us from those circumstances…no matter how desperate they seem…Then there's a more common thing us New Englanders do when we're afraid, when we're struggling. We isolate…because we don't tell each other really what's going on do we? Nobody really does. We are pretty stoic. We keep our distance. My my family's my family your family your family you know that you know that deal? You do I know we won't say it but…So we even isolate from friends and family and our church…Lot ran to a cave. If you are or you find yourself in this situation please seek the Godly counsel of friends. Proverbs 11:14 says where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in the abundance of counselors, there is safety. Put these friends on speed dial and receive their encouragement and walk in faith over fear. In times of fear and doubt our faith in God's promises and our obedience to his commands will lead us to redemption and new life. And if our lives aren't yet in Christ, then that redemption is new life in Christ but if you are already in Christ, that greater trust and faith in what God is doing amidst your fears, you'll just be transformed You'll be transformed as the Spirit is at work in you will continue to bring you to a greater maturity in Christ. It's so important that we understand that Christ offers hope and restoration in the midst of our brokenness and failures in the midst of our fears…

The next thing I want to look at is fear, folly, and redemption in verses thirty-three to thirty six. It says in the beginning verse thirty three so they made their father drink wine that night, and the firstborn went in and lay with her father. He did not know when she lay down or when she arose. It's not a matter that he was just lying there unconscious; he was not. He just was not aware of really what was going on and who he was with. It's not uncommon for people, I guess. I've never actually been intoxicated, so I really don't know, But they don't remember what happened the night before. I guess that's a common thing. And so that's the kind of thing that's going on for a Lot. He just does not remember what went on. The next day the first born said to the younger behold I lay last night with my father let us make him drink wine And I also then you go in and lie with him that we may preserve offspring from our father. So they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him And she did not know and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose, thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father…You know Lot, this is if you remember, uh, the Apostle Peter says that Lot is a righteous man that he struggled with the sins that were going on in Sodom. That may be so, but these daughters are definitely more daughters of Sodom than they are daughters of Lot. Their attitude and response in life is consistent with the world in which Lot chose to raise them. 

When Isaiah prophesied judgment on Judah and Jerusalem, he says this and Isaiah three verse nine he says for the look on their faces bears witness against them They proclaim their sin like Sodom. They do not hide it. Woe to them for they have brought evil upon themselves. And that the same can be observed about these two daughters of Lot…they proclaim their sin and they they are not ashamed of it Their lack of shame for what they have done is evident and the names that they give their sons Moab means from the father So they're they gave him a name that means this kid came from my father. They're not ashamed It's like this hey this is the way it is. And then, Ben-ammi means son of my kinsman, or paternal male relative. And according to one scholar named John Curid it also bears the sense that Lot is the father. And there's one way to understand it is that it's the word could mean my paternal uncle and father's grandson. So if you think about it it's both the father's son and his it's both Lot's son and grandson. The child is their brother and their uncle I mean it's just or not uncle It's their brother but it's just bizarre how this relationship kinda works out. But in these names the paternity of their sons…is memorialized. Their actions are not only born out of fear. But also pride These two sins, fear and pride are often found together and they lead people to make decisions and act in ways that are contrary to the will of God. 

But our fears need not lead us to foolishness or a lack of trust because God is faithful And if we turn to him in our time of need. his sovereign hand will guide us in the way that he's established for us. And even if your faith fails, there is forgiveness for you if you confess your sins because he is faithful and just to forgive you. Paul spoke to the Corinthians of the folly and foolishness of Israel their lack of trust and God's displeasure at their lack of faith. Complaining and bemoaning their circumstances. He tells them that these things took place so that they would be an example to them and to us. Today's passage of Lot and his daughter serves that same purpose They are an example to us. Here what Paul says in first Corinthians ten versus eleven through thirteen and it should be on the screen. First Corinthians ten eleven through thirteen Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you That is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. But with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape. That you may be able to endure it. Now Pete Cobb yesterday… Pete I'm outing you on your butterfinger problem that you've got… So Peter Cobb is like wouldn’t you like this butterfinger bar… it's just a little one. And I took one and I ate it. Now when we think of these things that God will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability to provide the way of escape, we often think of dumb little things like this. So when he gave me the second one, I didn't want it. But then when I took it out of his hand, I said, get thee behind me. And uh, so…but I took it, But we often think oh I just don’t want to be tempted to drink too much tonight or I don't want to be tempted by that pretty girl that good-looking guy at work, I don't want to be tempted by a lot of money or you but how many times we think we're tempted to fear in life? Every single day we are tempted to fear but we often don't think about that. We're often tempted to swap our faith for fear, And when we are, Paul tells us that God will provide the means for us to escape that temptation. As we practice obedience to God's word and meditate upon his promises, it becomes easier to make faith our first response. Then it becomes like riding a bike but way more exciting. Than riding a bike. Martin Luther says this, and this is the kind of faith that comes from obedience and trusting in God's promises. He says faith is a living bold trust and God's grace. So certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting it. Think about that… risking death a thousand times trusting in the promises of God. That's the kind life that he calls us to live. That's the kind of life that the apostles and the first Christians lived that those who were the first martyrs who stood before the Lord and said I know my time is in Lord's hands I'm going to say things even though it might get me killed. They lived in faith and boldness. And when we're tempted to fear, we can put our trust in the Lord and we can have that kind of life where where our normal response is faith rather than cowering and running to our own caves… 

Our default ought to be faith and redemption over folly and fear. Yet, even in the aftermath of poor decisions, God offers redemption and restoration. We should acknowledge areas in our lives where pride and fear have led to sin. We should confess them to Christ, who provides grace and a path of restoration, reminding us that our failures do not define us. In times of doubt and uncertainty, we should seek the counsel of God's word and wise believers who live by faith and be intentional about allowing God's word and his promises to shape the way we respond to fear. This big idea this morning is true… that in times of fear and doubt, our faith in God's promises and obedience to his commands lead to redemption and new life. And Jesus said that new life is life to the full. 

In verse thirty-eight, I want to close out by looking at the idea of moving from fear to the future… Now, that might even seem like a positive statement, but the truth is that disobedience and lack of faith often lead to long-term consequences. Genesis nineteen thirty-seven through thirty-eight says the firstborn bore a son, and they call his name Moab. He is the father of the Moabites to this day. The Moabites, by the way, are centered in Zoar. That's the main city of the Moabites. The younger also bore a son and called his name Ben-Ammi. He is the father of the Ammonites to this day. If you remember, at the beginning of second Chronicles chapter twenty, Jehoshaphat is the facing the enemies of the people of God. And those enemies are the Moabites and the Ammonites, Lots descendants. And the descendants of Esau are coming against the people of God… Moab is continually hostile toward Israel. They fight several wars They hire Balaam to curse Israel and when Israel returns from exile and Babylon Sanballot, the Horonite, he’s a Moabite person. And Tobiah the Ammonite jeered and despised God's people. The Ammonites represent opposition to Israel throughout the Old Testament. Israel wars with them. Remember, Jehoshaphat warred against them as well, As did Uzziah, Jotham, and Jahoyukim; Solomon becomes ensnared by the Ammonite gods. Outcomes of decisions that are made in fear have long-term consequences… Even consider the disordered fear of Adam and Eve in the long term consequences that it's had upon the world. Genesis three…the beginning of verse six says so when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. And so and also gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincLoths. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. And the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the trees of the garden. Now just to make sure we understand that understand is that Eve was deceived by the devil. Adam, no deception. He saw his wife get deceived and he walks right into it willingly…and chooses sin and that's why Adam is the one held accountable first. And second, Adam is held accountable because he is the head of the covenant, He represents all humanity…But their…their fears were disordered…and they're they're not fearing what they ought to have feared and they desired what they ought not to have desired and it brings the greatest consequence upon humanity. That is until Christ! Christ is the greatest consequenc of all of history. In Genesis three fifteen, there's a promise made God says I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel…And so…the very promise of God that this is going to be fixed is this is going to be remedied…Romans's three twenty two through twenty six tells us how it is remedied. It says for there is no distinction for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and they are justified by his grace as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness…because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time so that he might be just and the justifier…of the one who has faith. And Jesus…We have to recognize that when we are disobedient to the Lord, when we choose fear over faith, we will often find ourselves in situations that lead to long-term consequences in our lives. It was the case for a Lot in his family. It was the case for Adam and Eve and the implications upon our lives are severe. But even more so to the praise of God's grace…Christ and what he has done, is the of the greatest consequence. So no matter what you've done in your past, no matter how big the failure, no matter how horrifying the sin, God has provided redemption for you, by grace as a gift. It is a gift that cannot be taken away. It is unshakable. It is immeasurable and inviolable. It is assured by the sovereign God himself. Today, if you put your trust in Christ, your future is not defined by your past fears and failures. Instead, it is defined by Christ, who is the beginning and the end, and through whom all things hold together so that all things work together for your good and his glory. That's not for everyone. That's only for those who have put their trust in Christ. 

So this morning if you have not put your trust in Christ I beg you.. Give your life to Christ and dedicate yourself anew to walk in faith according to his promises and obedience to his commands for in him and him alone is salvation…redemption, and new life…As we prepare to close, Lot's story reminds us that disobedience and lack of faith can lead to lasting consequences, yet God's redemptive power offers hope and restoration, even in our darkest failures. Placing trust in his promises transforms fear into faith. Our past does not define us. Instead through Christ we find redemption dand new life. Put your trust in him knowing that his grace is sufficient for every trial and walk in confidence for God's promises are unshakable. For in times of fear and doubt our faith in God's promises and our obedience to his commands will lead to redemption…and new life. Let's pray…Lord God we thank you this morning…for your unending grace. We thank you Lord that it is grace immeasurable abundant and free…And that's exactly the kind of grace that we need. We pray that you would guide us to trust in your promises transforming our fears into faith. May we walk in your light renewed and redeemed. And we ask all of this in Jesus name. Amen.