Sojourners and Strangers


Sermon Breviary: The Open Door | Hebrews 6:13-20

Anchored in Hope: The Unshakable Promise of God

What is holding you steady right now? Not just what gets you out of bed in the morning, but what keeps you from being tossed around when life delivers its hardest blows? The truth is, life will shake us—whether through job loss, broken relationships, or unexpected medical diagnoses. Some people are barely holding it together.

But what if the Bible offers us an anchor—something so solid and immovable that no storm, no suffering, and no setback can take it away? The author of Hebrews, writing to Christians facing intense pressure—some even considering walking away from their faith—presents one of the most profound pictures of hope in all of Scripture: a hope anchored in God’s unbreakable promise.

The Big Idea: Jesus, Our Great High Priest, Anchors Our Hope

Hebrews 6:13-20 gives us a firm foundation in the midst of life’s instability. Our hope is not based on circumstances or fleeting emotions but on Jesus, our Great High Priest. He secures our hope in God’s unshakable promise and opens the door to God’s presence. This is not mere motivation or encouragement—it is the very bedrock of our faith. It is the reason we can stand firm when everything around us feels like it is falling apart.

To understand this anchor of hope, we will explore three key truths in Hebrews 6:13-20: God’s unbreakable oath, our sure and steadfast hope, and Christ as the anchor for our souls.

God’s Unbreakable Oath (Hebrews 6:13-16)

Hebrews 6:13-16 references Abraham as an example of someone who patiently trusted in God’s promises. When God made His covenant with Abraham, He swore by Himself, as there was nothing greater by which He could swear.

Psalm 105:7-11 recounts how God confirmed His promise through generations:

"He remembers his covenant forever, the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant that he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac..."

Because God does not lie or change, His promise was an unshakable foundation for Abraham’s faith. Just as Abraham trusted in God's unbreakable word, we, too, are called to trust Him completely.

This attribute of God—His immutability—means that He is unchanging in His nature and character. Numbers 23:19 states: "God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind."

Though Scripture sometimes describes God as "changing His mind" (e.g., Genesis 6, 1 Samuel 15, Jonah 3), these instances reflect a shift in human relationship to God, not a change in God’s nature. His promises remain secure.

Because God’s oath is unbreakable, we are called to trust Him fully and walk in obedience. Disobedience often reveals areas where we struggle to trust Him. We must examine our lives and ask: Are we judging others harshly? Do we battle with lust, addiction, or pride? Are we easily angered or offended? Walking in obedience is only possible by the Spirit’s power. Since God’s promise is unchanging, we can trust Him completely and live according to His Word.

A Sure and Steadfast Hope (Hebrews 6:17-18)

Hebrews 6:17-18 emphasizes that God’s purpose is unchangeable. He confirms His promise with an oath to give us strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. This hope is not based on human effort but on God's faithfulness. It is secured by two unchangeable things: God’s Word—unchanging, reliable, and true. God’s Oath—a guarantee of His faithfulness.

John Calvin emphasized the necessity of personally embracing God's promises:

"The main hinge on which faith turns is this: we must not imagine that the Lord’s promises are true objectively but not in our experience. We must make them ours by embracing them in our hearts."

For those weary from life’s struggles, this passage reminds us that God’s promises are not like human promises. When we battle anxiety, disappointment, or fear about the future, we must cling to this truth: God cannot lie. Our security does not rest in our own performance but in God’s unchanging character. Furthermore, since our hope in Christ is sure and steadfast, we are called to live boldly. Too often, fear of disappointment holds us back. But because God is faithful, we can step forward in obedience with confidence.

Where are you hesitating to trust God? What step of obedience is He calling you to take? Repent of hesitation and trust His unbreakable promises.

An Anchor for the Soul (Hebrews 6:19-20)

Hebrews 6:19-20 describes our hope as "a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain." This is a reference to the Holy of Holies—the very presence of God. Jesus, as our forerunner and High Priest, has gone behind the veil, securing our access to God through His sacrifice. Believers do not enter God’s presence on their own merit; rather, Christ has made the way through His atoning work on the cross.

Luke 23:44-46 records that at the moment of Jesus’ death, the temple curtain was torn in two—symbolizing direct access to God through Christ’s finished work. This is the hope we have: an unshakable, secured relationship with God through Jesus, our eternal High Priest.

Many Christians live as though their access to God depends on their performance. But Scripture makes it clear: our hope is anchored not in ourselves, but in Jesus. Are you trying to earn God's favor? Do you feel distant from Him due to past failures? Rest in Christ’s work—He has already secured your place in God's presence. Like an anchor holds a ship steady in stormy seas, Jesus holds us firm in the presence of God. No trial, suffering, or hardship can sever our hope in Him.


We all face storms. Perhaps you're battling an unseen struggle, standing at a crossroads, or wondering if you can keep trusting God. But Hebrews 6 assures us: we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Our anchor is not our strength. It is not our circumstances. It is not our ability to figure everything out. It is Jesus. He has gone behind the curtain. He has made the way. And He will not let go—even when we feel like we are barely holding on. So, the call is simple: Hold fast. Not to your feelings. Not to your own understanding. But to Him—the one who holds you fast. Because in Christ, your hope is not wishful thinking—it is a sure and steadfast anchor.

And the good news? The Anchor holds.
