What can I expect when I visit Mayflower?
Walking into a church building for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. To help you feel more at home, we want you to know what you may experience when visiting Mayflower by answering some common questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time are the services?
We have one worship service every Sunday at 10:00 AM.
How long does the church service last?
Our Sunday morning services are scheduled to last 75 minutes.
What do people wear to the service?
The majority of our regular attendees dress casually, while some wear more traditional church clothes.
Is there parking available?
Yes, we have plenty of parking.
Is childcare available?
Yes, our childcare is clean, safe, and free. You will check in/out your newborn through 5th grader through our state-of-the-art security system located in the front foyer.
- For more information on our preschool and K-5th grade children’s ministry, click here.
Will I be singled out in the service?
We do not single out our guests in our services. We will not ask you to stand, stay seated, wear a sticker, or anything else that may cause you to be uncomfortable.
What are the sermons like at Mayflower?
We study books of the Bible one at a time journeying verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter to hear what God has to say to us today. You may sample sermons from Mayflower here.
What is the music like at Mayflower?
We have a small band that leads us in passionate and heartfelt singing.
Will I be pressured to give money?
No. You are our guest, and we will not pressure you for any money. We are grateful that you have come to join us.
What is a Bible Fellowship Group?
Bible Fellowship Groups (BFGs) are our small group Bible studies that gather during the week. BFGs offer a setting for you to learn about God’s Word through an interactive Bible study lesson/discussion based on the sermon preached the previous Sunday. They also provide an opportunity for you to develop strong friendships within a smaller community of believers. Whatever your age or stage of life, there is a BFG for you and every member of your family. For more information on BFGs
click here.
Are there other opportunities for spiritual growth and discipleship at Mayflower?
Yes. We have Bible Studies and Discipleship Groups meeting regularly throughout the year. For more information on Bible Studies and Discipleship Groups, click here.
I have additional questions.