Big Idea: God's covenant promises are trustworthy, not because of us, but solely because of His divine initiative and faithfulness.
1. God initiates His promises (1-6).
2. His power secures His promises (12-16).
3. These promises are guaranteed by God alone (17-21).
BFG Study Questions
1. How did Pastor Anton define covenants, and why are they significant in understanding God's relationship with His people?
2. In what ways does God demonstrate His initiative in making promises, as seen in Genesis 15:1-6?
3. Can you explain how God's power is portrayed in securing and upholding His covenant promises, as described in verses 12-16?
4. What significance does the covenant ceremony described in verses 17-21 hold, particularly in terms of guaranteeing God's promises?
5. How does the sermon connect the covenant promises made to Abram with the broader theme of God's promises to His people, especially in light of the New Covenant established through Jesus Christ?
6. What implications does the trustworthiness of God's covenant promises have for believers today, and how should it shape their understanding of their relationship with God?