The Kingdom of Heaven | Matthew 13:44-46

Pastor Anton Brown - 9/22/2024

Sermon Outline:

Big Idea: The kingdom of heaven is of incomparable value and worth seeking above all else.

  1. Metaphor #1: hidden treasure
  2. Metaphor #2: pearl of great price 
  3. The cost and joy of gaining the kingdom

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

  1. How does the parable of the hidden treasure (Matthew 13:44) challenge your understanding of what is truly valuable in life? What are some earthly treasures you currently pursue, and how do they compare to the value of the Kingdom of Heaven?
  2. Jesus emphasizes the importance of being willing to give up everything to obtain the Kingdom. What sacrifices have you made for your faith, and what sacrifices do you find the most challenging to make? Why?
  3. The man in the parable found joy in selling all he had to gain the hidden treasure. How can you cultivate a similar joy in pursuing God’s Kingdom in your daily life?
  4. What are some specific things in your life that compete with your devotion to God’s Kingdom? How can you prioritize seeking the Kingdom over these distractions?
  5. Reflect on a time when you felt called to take a risk for your faith, similar to the merchant selling everything for the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46). What was the outcome, and how did it impact your relationship with God?
  6. The sermon concluded that the Kingdom is not gained by our sacrifices but by the sacrifice of Christ. How does this truth affect your view of grace and your response in seeking the Kingdom?
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