The Third Day | Matthew 28:1-20

Pastor Anton Brown - 3/31/2024

Sermon Outline:

Big Idea: On the third day, Jesus arose from the grave; of this, the disciples testified, and we testify today.

  1. Christ arose. (1-6)
  2. He appeared to His disciples. (6-10, 16-17)
  3. He sent them with the Gospel. (18-20)

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

1. Reflect on the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How does His victory over death impact your understanding of

salvation and hope?

2. Investigate the evidence presented in the sermon regarding the

resurrection of Jesus. What external sources confirm His

execution and resurrection? How does this evidence strengthen

your faith?

3. Consider the response of the disciples to Jesus' resurrection.

How were they transformed from fearful individuals to bold

proclaimers of the gospel? What lessons can you learn from

their experience?

4. Explore the various eyewitness accounts of Jesus' resurrection

mentioned in the sermon. How do these testimonies support the

reality of His resurrection? How can you apply the principle of

eyewitness testimony to your own faith?

5. Reflect on the commission Jesus gave to His disciples to make

disciples of all nations. What does this command mean for you

personally? How can you actively participate in fulfilling the

Great Commission in your daily life?

6. Evaluate your own understanding of the resurrection and its

importance in the Christian faith. How does your belief in the

resurrection impact your daily life and interactions with others?

What steps can you take to deepen your understanding and

appreciation of this central doctrine?

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