God Rests | Genesis 2:1-3

Pastor Anton Brown - 10/2/2022

Sermon Outline:

  1. He rests to reign.
  2. Our co-regency.
  3. The Sabbath for us.

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

  1. Genesis is structured according to toledots. What are they?
  2. Discuss among yourselves, how you practice Sabbath keeping, and what is proper for that day.
  3. When God rests on the seventh day, what is He doing? See Ps. 93:1-3. Why is God’s rest completely unlike ours?
  4. How do we reconcile what Jesus said in John 5:17 with Exidus 20:8-11?
  5. What is absent in the description of the seventh day that is present in the descriptions of the other days? Why might this be significant?
  6. Why are we to rest on the 7th day?
  7. Discuss among yourselves how the Sabbath points to the forgiveness of sins and the life to come.

Pray for one another. 

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