Christ the Savior is Born | Matthew 1:18-25

Pastor Anton Brown - 12/15/2024

Sermon Outline:

Big Idea: In the birth of Jesus, God provides the means for our salvation, addresses our fears, and ensures His promises are fulfilled.

  1. How and why God became man (18, 21-23)
  2. Real life, real fears (19-20)
  3. Promise secured (22-25)

Bible Fellowship Group Study Questions:

  1. How does the truth of the incarnation—God becoming man—shape how you view your own need for salvation and relationship with God?
  2. When Joseph faced his dilemma, he chose obedience to God over public opinion. What decisions in your life require trusting God's Word even if it doesn’t make sense to you or others?
  3. The angel’s command to Joseph included “Do not fear.” What specific fears are you carrying today that hinder your obedience to God?
  4. Joseph’s obedience required humility and sacrifice. Where in your life might God be calling you to lay down your personal desires or comfort to follow Him?
  5. Reflecting on the fulfilled promises in Jesus’ birth, how does this encourage you to trust God’s faithfulness in a current area of doubt or struggle?
  6. The name “Immanuel” means “God with us.” In what ways do you sense God’s presence in your life, and how can you rest more fully in this truth?
  7. How does the humility of Christ’s incarnation (Philippians 2:5–8) challenge your attitudes and actions toward others this Advent season?
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