

"...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."

Isaiah 56:7

We Believe in the Power of Prayer

The Prayer Team prays throughout the week for all active prayer requests. The team consists of people who have a passion for prayer and pray diligently, specifically for the needs within and outside the church, locally and globally.

Need Prayer?

Let us pray for you. Just fill out this form and let us know your needs.

Current Prayer Requests

Bonnie Buhl


Shortly after Dawn Mattera arrived in Romania her car was totaled. No one was hurt but she is unable to get to the orphanages without a car. She asks for Prayer for her trips to police station and insurance office with Ovi and for peace and wisdom.

Angela Bell

Health Issues

Please pray for Angela. She will be having surgery in September.

Anton Brown

Health Issues

Please pray for Allan Schoenly. He is currently hospitalized.

Michael Burke

Health Issues

Please pray for Mike Burke's friend Ted Filandrianos and his family as Ted is battling a fatal brain tumor.

Nancy Butler


Son in Law Mike Beachy having cancer surgery on Thursday 7/11/2024. Would appreciate prayers for successful surgery and healing.

Anton Brown


Please pray for the work of our missionaries in France, Indonesia, Japan, Romania, and at Mission Aviation Fellowship.

Anton Brown


Pray for Mayflower Church's faith to expect great things from God and attempt great things for God.