

"...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."

Isaiah 56:7

We Believe in the Power of Prayer

The Prayer Team prays throughout the week for all active prayer requests. The team consists of people who have a passion for prayer and pray diligently, specifically for the needs within and outside the church, locally and globally.

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Current Prayer Requests

Rosanna Buhl


Kathy Dale's mother, Mindy O'Toole recently passed away. Pray comfort to Kathy and John.

Rosanna Buhl


Pray for Jim Kinkade. He was hospitalized on Sunday afternoon. We don't know any details.

Joan Robinson

Health Issues

Please pray for my mom Sylvia Robinson who dislocated her hip for the fourth time. She is still in the hospital but will hopefully be moved to a rehab place soon. Please pray for my family as we try to plan what her future looks like.

Joan Robinson

Health Issues

Please pray for former Interim Pastor of Mayflower, Dan Hogan. He is struggling with family-life issues.

Anton Brown


Please pray for the work of our missionaries in France, Indonesia, Japan, Romania, and at Mission Aviation Fellowship.
